Class 4A

          Welcome to Mrs. Schroeder’s 2024-25

4A Class!




Please sign up on the following link for the Remind App…this is how I communicate with you daily.

Remind App Code: @72hk28




I have a classroom wishlist!  No one is obligated to participate.  These are just items that we could use to enhance our learning. We appreciate all of your support!

   Amazon Wishlist Link:



Monday: Gym

Tuesday: STREAM

Wed: Art

Thurs: Spanish

Friday: Music




Mrs. Schroeder’s Zoom Room information:

#594 613 5039    password class4a


Here is the Spelling City link we will be using this year:


Here is the Religion website link we will be using this year:

This is a highly recommended way to review!


God Bless and thank you for your support!

Mrs. Schroeder